PUKERAU: Archive

Pos S  46° 5.954'
E 169° 6.332'
If Clinton was just inside Otago it becomes very difficult to judge exactly where Pukerau is. The map puts it about 2 km inside Southland and in a green river valley with the bones of the land showing to the east.

In past days it was on a crucial coach route for travellers going south were constricted by the wild eastern ranges which ended in the sea, while just west of Pukerau the ranges shoulder their way into the sky.

Now it is but a blink on the highway and a cluster of houses and of course the cemetery which is tucked away against the green hills to the east. Turn in that direction in the one intersection of town and almost immediately into Middle street. The cemetery is in a lane at the very end with a good parking area and cool trees that sigh in the wind. Considerable work has been done in an effort to keep it tidy and if you are travelling north or south this is an excellent place to stretch your legs and finish that coffee you've been nursing since you fuelled up at Gore or Balclutha....

We have now gone to a live on-line database called MOP ('Myra's Other Place') and all the older records listed are being steadily being copied over. In this case we did not have a page for Mangapai before now so you will have to go directly to MOP. The MOP database has a lot more than just cemetery records and is worth checking out here where you can log in as Guest password guest.

To find a person enter the surname in the target box and presss ENTER. This will list every case of that surname across all cemeteries. To list all persons in a particular cemetery enter the name of the cemetery and change the pull-down option immediately to the left from LAST NAME to CEMETERY then ENTER.

Collected and collated by Alan Wagener


Sample of MOP search screen